The environmental and forest agents, guards and agents of the Nature Protection Service from the Police (SEPRONA) play a very important role in ensuring that the conservation of habitats and species with interest in the community is not undermined. In addition, they are informants at the site all over the territory who promote adecuate explotation of the resources. For this, it is necessary that they have a knowledge of the protected natural values at a European level that are present in their scope of work and must be equipped with the necessary tools for data collection and transmission of information.
The technicians of the Hydrographic Confederations involved in the scope of the project, the Ministry of Development and Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture of Castilla y León play a key role in the planning and management of the territory, either by writing planning documents, evaluating projects, processing grants, etc. It is essential that there is continuous training of these technicians in the Natura 2000 area.
As all the territories of the Natural Protected Network of Castilla y León are part of the Natura 2000 Network, the 25 existing Park Houses within the Protected Natural could work perfectly as information and awareness centers, so it is essential that the technical staff and monitors associated with the Casas del Parque Network know in depth the meaning of the Natura 2000 Network and the management actions that are carried out to implement the Habitats and Birds Directives in the field of Natura 2000 network.
It is also essential to train those monitors who will participate in the development of the educational and informative campaign aimed at schoolchildren (Action E.9).
To train adequately the main agents responsible for environmental monitoring, land management and environmental education, related to the regional administration in relation to the dissemination, management and monitoring of the Natura 2000 Network and specifically in the of river and wetlands and their associated habitats and species.
The training days derive from the execution of concrete actions from the project, since the aim is on the one hand the diffusion of the results and conclusions, and on the other, the training of professionals that will have to continue the work initiated with the actions that originated them.
The actions in which the training sessions are framed have been the E9 action, under which the Unit "A Tricky Trip" was elaborated and gave content to the training sessions of environmental monitors of Casas del Parque and other similar facilities, whereas the content used for the daycare training days came from the development of actions A3 and A4 in which the species of interest in the community and the exotic and invasive flora and fauna present in the Natura 2000 Network included in the project were respectively inventoried.
In the following links you can consult and download information and documents related to the execution of the training sessions carried out:
- Training day on the educational campaign directed to the monitors of the Park Houses.
- Training seminars on inventoried works of Species of Community Interest directed to environmental people, environment and technicians.
- Training sessions on the study of genetic diversity and prevalence of afanomycosis in populations of native river crayfish.